Rove Backcountry Outfitters

Rove Backcountry Outfitters

Rove Backcountry Outfitters


Rove Backcountry Outfitters is more than just a gear shop, it is owned and operated by Alexandria Lewis, who has spent most of her life exploring the beauty held within Idaho.  Before opening her shop, she hosted guided tours throughout Idaho and still does to this day.  Her experience on the trails directly correlates to the service and products you will see within Rove Backcountry Outfitters.  

Alexandria and her team are dedicated to the conservation and protection of Overlanding within Idaho.  She is a  member of Tread Lightly! and has also started a local non-profit, Mountain West Recreation Alliance, which is dedicated to protecting our public lands.

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Current & Upcoming Events

Past Events

January 26th - January 28, 2024 Winter Camp Winter Camp More Info